A group of scientists wandered into a kitchen that was full of the sweet smell of freshly baked bread. They quickly discovered that the source was the fine loaf sitting in the oven. Upon inspection, they found that there was no one in the kitchen, so they began developing a theory of how it got there. Examining the contents of the cupboard yielded results.
In the cupboard was flour, sugar and salt. There was a source of water from the sink, and in the fridge there were yeast and eggs. They also found butter and oil. They determined that all these ingredients must have swirled and stormed around the room every which way until finally the mixture landed in the oven where it was baked.
In the cupboard was flour, sugar and salt. There was a source of water from the sink, and in the fridge there were yeast and eggs. They also found butter and oil. They determined that all these ingredients must have swirled and stormed around the room every which way until finally the mixture landed in the oven where it was baked.