This questioned has intrigued me for quite some time. I decided to take a look at it today.
First lets look at the definitions of the words:
Retinal: Of or relating to the retina of the eye.
Sieve: A utensil for separating the finer and coarser parts of a pulverized or granulated substance from each other. It consist of a vessel, usually shallow, with the bottom perforated, or made of hair, wire, or the like, woven in meshes. See also cribiform cells.
Myopic: 1. unable to see distant objects clearly [syn: nearsighted] [ant: farsighted] 2. lacking foresight or scope;
Slop: 1. Spilled or splashed liquid. 2 Soft mud or slush. 3 Unappetizing watery food or soup.
Okay, so another way of saying Retinal Sieve is perhaps, "an eye that filters finer and coarser parts," and another way of saying Myopic Slop is, "near objects that look like mud," or "muddy objects that are nearsighted."
I am assuming that when sieving something, one would want to separate unwanted substances from wanted substances, so one would prefer to not retain the slop (or myopic slop: nearsighted junk), and keep the farsighted stuff that is clear.
Or maybe the retinal sieve is filtering out the slop of the world characterized by lacking foresight, and prefering the more clear substances, that can plan ahead, think before they talk, etc.
So, I don't think this really answered the initial question, but why should I solve this in ten minutes. No. I should continue to think this over for years. YEARS!
(A prize to the individual(s) who can name where Retinal Sieve and Myopic Slop came from.)
First lets look at the definitions of the words:
Retinal: Of or relating to the retina of the eye.
Sieve: A utensil for separating the finer and coarser parts of a pulverized or granulated substance from each other. It consist of a vessel, usually shallow, with the bottom perforated, or made of hair, wire, or the like, woven in meshes. See also cribiform cells.
Myopic: 1. unable to see distant objects clearly [syn: nearsighted] [ant: farsighted] 2. lacking foresight or scope;
Slop: 1. Spilled or splashed liquid. 2 Soft mud or slush. 3 Unappetizing watery food or soup.
Okay, so another way of saying Retinal Sieve is perhaps, "an eye that filters finer and coarser parts," and another way of saying Myopic Slop is, "near objects that look like mud," or "muddy objects that are nearsighted."
I am assuming that when sieving something, one would want to separate unwanted substances from wanted substances, so one would prefer to not retain the slop (or myopic slop: nearsighted junk), and keep the farsighted stuff that is clear.
Or maybe the retinal sieve is filtering out the slop of the world characterized by lacking foresight, and prefering the more clear substances, that can plan ahead, think before they talk, etc.
So, I don't think this really answered the initial question, but why should I solve this in ten minutes. No. I should continue to think this over for years. YEARS!
(A prize to the individual(s) who can name where Retinal Sieve and Myopic Slop came from.)