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Showing posts from February, 2005

Music: Dr. Mario remix

I had one of the Dr. Mario songs in my head this morning, which made me think about this awesome song I heard once. It is by virt, and is found here: Dr. Mario - Funky Pills If you like Dr. Mario, you probably have the songs in your head too. Listen to this for fun, man. P.S. I know it's Friday, not Thursday.

No Science today

Sorry, folk, I can't think of any science experiments for today. But I do have a story... I was at a bookstore in a mall yesterday, and while perusing a book, I heard a Russian family talking amongst themselves. The wife was talking to her husband, when she said (in Russian) "What time is it?" I immeadiately looked at my watch and said (in English) "8 o'clock," to which she replied, "Thank you." After a brief period of silence, she asked "You speak Russian?" I said, "yes." Then she walked away, and I continued looking at my book. That is all. I think she was quite surprised that I could understand her. Normally, I would say that Russians speaking Russian in public places in the United States would not think that anyone could understand them. Ya vsyo znaiyu.


I really am sorry to ALL my faithful readers for missing Monday throgh Wednesday this week. I guess I got busy. So you are probably wondering what I would've said. On Monday, I would've said: "Go and find some of your own garbage, or make a code and have someone decipher it! Do it yourself!" On Tuesday, I would've said: "Go and conduct your own scientific experiments! GOSH!" On Wednesday, I would've said: "There are tons of computer applications! Go download one yourself!" And today, I talk about a picture. Well, maybe I will post a picture. Oh. I got it. I won't post it, but I will redirect you to it. It's like a picture redirection service. This is a pixelfreak poster picture. It is really awesome: Look! At! This! Commenters will report on how they did with codes, science, and computer applications.
Pumpkins. Not this time of year. In the autumn. Picture credit to KE.

Metroid Metal

Metroid is a video game. The original came out in 1986 for the Nintendo Entertainment System. There have been many more games made in the Metroid series since then, including one for the Gameboy, one for Super Nintendo, two for Gameboy Advanced, and two for the GameCube. A guy named Stemage loved the music from the game so much, he made metal versions of the songs. They are really great. When I first heard them about 1.5 years ago, I was enamoured by the quality and the coolity, not to mention the nostalgia of the songs. I also was a long-time fan of the Metroid soundtrack. So, if you like Metroid and you like metal, you'll love Metroid Metal: . My favorite song is the Brinstar theme .
Screenshot of the GIMP

Computer Application: The Gimp

If you are interested in an application to manipulate images and photos, then I recommend the Gimp. The Gimp is an acronym for the GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is similar to Paint Shop Pro and other graphics applications. The Gimp is currently at version 2.2.3 and is available for download at . It is a cross-platform application, which means it is available for multiple operating systems (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X). For new users the interface might be confusing, because the Gimp uses multiple windows: one for the tools, one for tool options, one for image layers, etc., one for any other dialogs, and one for each image you are editing. But, the Gimp is completely customizable to make it any way you want. The way I like it is with all the tools and dialogs in one window, but in tabs on the right of the screen, and then a window for each image I am editing. When you get more advanced using the Gimp, you can also create scripts to perform automated tasks for yo...

Does a retinal sieve filter myopic slop?

This questioned has intrigued me for quite some time. I decided to take a look at it today. First lets look at the definitions of the words: Retinal : Of or relating to the retina of the eye. Sieve : A utensil for separating the finer and coarser parts of a pulverized or granulated substance from each other. It consist of a vessel, usually shallow, with the bottom perforated, or made of hair, wire, or the like, woven in meshes. See also cribiform cells. Myopic : 1. unable to see distant objects clearly [syn: nearsighted] [ant: farsighted] 2. lacking foresight or scope; Slop : 1. Spilled or splashed liquid. 2 Soft mud or slush. 3 Unappetizing watery food or soup. Okay, so another way of saying Retinal Sieve is perhaps, "an eye that filters finer and coarser parts," and another way of saying Myopic Slop is, "near objects that look like mud," or "muddy objects that are nearsighted." I am assuming that when sieving something, one would want to ...