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Music: Shopping Planet

To kick off the music section of this weblog, I will point you to a song I wrote in January 2003 as part of Bullet Lodge, a songwriting lodge which is a chapter of the Immersion Composition Society. (ICS)

Bullet Lodge is a game, you have to write at least six songs in a 24-hour period. These songs become a day-album, which is then shared with other members of the lodge at monthly meetings. In addition to helping one to become a better songwriter and increasing one's ability to record, the pressure aspect of doing it in a day makes it extremely fun. See the above links for more information about Bullet Lodge and ICS.

This particular song that I am showcasing comes from the second day album I made called "A League Itself Entirely Negated". The song is called Shopping Planet. Part of the reason how this came about is that we were to somehow put the phrase "Wal-martian" into one of our songs. Enjoy.

Link to Shopping Planet (mp3)


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