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Showing posts from November, 2005


You have probably heard of it by now, but if not, you should try using . It is an office suite like Microsoft Office, but it is open source. I like it because I like supporting open source projects, and I like alternatives to Microsoft. OpenOffice is FREE. I like quality free software. is mostly compatible with MS Office documents (ie, you can open documents made in MS Office, and save documents in MS Office format). I say mostly compatible because nobody knows what the MS Offics formats are. Even Microsoft Office documents themselves are not compatible with other versions of themselves. Anyways, it is a neat thing they got going on. Go to there website and download the application suite and give it a whirl.

Air Guitar a Reality

The Virtual Air Guitar project, developed at the Helsinki University of Technology, adds genuine electric guitar sounds to the passionately played air guitar. Using a computer to monitor the hand movements of a "player", the system adds riffs and licks to match frantic mid-air finger work. By responding instantly to a wide variety of gestures it promises to turn even the least musically gifted air guitarist to a virtual fret board virtuoso. Air guitarists’ rock dreams come true I am sure it is pretty limited at this point, but it is a neat concept.