Having procured a new job on the other side of the cities, I often find myself in traffic jams during the rush hours. Consequently, I have noticed a few patterns in the traffic congestion routines. The traffic jammage happens in waves, that is why they call it stop and go. Annoying! I always wondered, "Why can't we all just go at the same steady pace, rather than all this stop start nonsense!" Finally, I realized that the best thing to do was to just go at a slow and steady pace, and average out the speed of the cars in front of me. I called it the "No brakes" method, where it was kind of like a game where you had to adjust your speed such that you never had to hit the brakes in a stop and go traffic jam. It makes huge gaps in front of you, which for some odd reason irritates the other drivers, but the fact is, you are not going any slower than anyone else. Some inside information which was recently delivered to me also talks about this same phenomenon, wi...
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